grab a cup of coffee

Author: jaimecarron

Im a second year student at uvic in the elementary education program

Reflection Oct 14

Assistive Technology & Equality in the Classroom

In this week’s class we learned about assistive technology and equality in the classroom. Technology can be very helpful in the classroom and assist students who need help with reading or writing. It allows them to feel engaged and a part of the learning as well as be independent with their learning. For example, using text-to-speech instead of struggling with the reading portion. Overall, this gives all students accessibility to have the same opportunities to grow. 

Digital Accessibility

I really enjoyed learning about digital accessibility because I have never thought about making sure websites and other digital platforms are accessible to people who may have loss of site or hearing. I think this is important to know so information is accessible to everyone. 

Accessible Video About Solitare


Photo by Daniel Ali on Unsplash

Reflection Oct 4

In this week’s class we learned about 3D printing and made our own designs. 3D printing can be a great tool for teachers and students. Teachers can make math manipulates, shapes for kids, indigenous letters, and art projects. There are many great ways to incorporate 3D printing into the classroom such as having a sensory corner for kids when they need time to fidget.  

Although there are a lot of benefits there are also some cons. 3D printings material can be extremely expensive and very time-consuming for teachers. In addition, today was my first time 3D printing and I found it quite difficult so I am not sure how younger students would do. Many schools may not have access to a 3D printer. 

“Why you need a 3D printer in your classroom”

My 3D printing design:

Overall, this was very fun to learn and I will use it in my future teaching!

Pretzel Recipe

The next recipe I chose to try out is soft pretzels. When I was little my family, and I went to Disney, and I ate so many of these pretzels. I looked at recipes online and I am hoping I will be able to make these. For this recipe it is mostly just dough which is more cost efficient since I have most of the ingredients at home.

I also decided what fun are pretzels without a dip on the side. I have more of a sweet tooth, so I will try to make a sweet cream cheese dip.

I will watch this video to learn how to roll the dough and make the pretzel shape!

My goals for this recipe: 

  • Learning how to make a yeast dough 
  • Learn shaping dough 
  • Learn dips to go with my baking goods 

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

This week I tried out my first recipe; chocolate covered strawberries. This turned out better than I thought! To start I had to go to the grocery store! I bought local strawberries and chocolate chips. I washed and dried my strawberries because otherwise the chocolate wouldn’t stick. Then I melted the chocolate in the microwave at 15 second increments until it was fully melted. After that I added a couple chocolate chips to it to temper the chocolate. This process makes the chocolate shiny and more appealing. Then I coated my strawberries and placed them on a plate with parchment and into the fridge for a couple of hours until they fully hardened.  

Fresh Local Strawberries

Rating 10/10 – these were so delicious and tasted so fresh with the local strawberries (they were also smaller strawberries which I found made them easier to eat) 

Difficulty 8/10 – this recipe was not too difficult, and I think anyone could make these! 

One improvement I would make next time is using a toothpick or something to stick in the strawberries to help me dip them. I found the stems/ leaves would break off and make it difficult. As well I learned you should eat them the day of because I had a couple the day after, and the strawberries can get a little soggy. 

Reflection Gen AI

This week’s class we discussed generative ai: how to incorporate it into classrooms and use it efficiently.  

Ai is a great tool and can be used in many ways in school settings. However, there are some limitations when using it. Generative AI can have many biases such as race, gender and geographical. This can make it difficult for students when using it. It also can give you the wrong answers or make things up. To avoid having these issues we should teach students to check AI facts and understand the biases. For example, when researching the Vietnam war AI has a bias towards the United States over other countries. Asking more direct questions could help avoid these issues.  

I have found Generative Ai to be extremely useful in other ways for school. Students can use it to help them narrow down big topics to generate ideas. As well as using AI to check their final copy of their writing. In addition, students can use AI to make study guides for their classes to save time and have more time to spend on learning the material. 

A helpful video for teaching AI to students

Overall, AI has disadvantages but knowing how to use it can help make it more of a beneficial tool! 


Chocolate Covered Strawberries Recipe

My favorite fruit has always been strawberries! I love strawberries on my pancakes, strawberry jam, strawberry ice-cream, anything that involves strawberries. For my first baking item I have decided to make chocolate covered strawberries. This will be a good start to my baking journey as it is simple and will help me figure out reading new recipes.  

The recipe I plan to use:

My goals for this recipe 

  • Learning how to melt chocolate without it burning 
  • Reading the recipe concisely  

reflection for week 3

For this week’s reflection I really liked the flipped classroom model. This model is used by giving students pre class work to prepare for the lesson. Students are welcome to do this if they are feeling like they do not have a good grasp of the subject to feel more comfortable. In addition, students who feel they understand the concepts do not have to do the pre-class work. This is a wonderful way to help all students feel prepared and equal in the classroom. I think the strengths of this are giving students independence in their own learning and allowing them to feel prepared for lessons which can help students feel less anxious. A weakness could be students feeling overwhelmed with having to get the pre work done before class. This strategy is great however, it is not suitable for all age groups. I think this would be beneficial for grade sixes and above considering they are more mature and would be able to understand this concept. 

After watching the multimedia video, it is an amazing strategy and tool to add into classrooms.

I remember my grade 11 bio class we would go through power points that would have photos and a paragraph of text and I would have to look at one or the other and try to type notes as fast as possible. I usually would not retain any of this because we were not able to look back and digest any of the knowledge. With the multimedia learning strategy, he discusses having photos that only relate to what the learners need to know, having photos and speaking about them rather than having texts, or allowing students access to the power points to go back. Overall, I would use the multimedia strategy in future teaching. 

Having video editing, screen recording and voiceover skills can be extremely helpful when teaching. These skills can help when you are away sick or if your class must be online. This can be used for any grade level, but the most effective grade levels would be grade 3-8. To make these videos engaging it would help to add more photos rather than text and add in questions throughout the video to keep your students engaged. 

My voice over and game!


Inquiry Project Sept 16

For my inquiry project I would like to learn how to bake. As a kid before Christmas, I would always help my mom make cookies, tarts, and pie although she did most of the work, I just got the bowl at the end. I always feel like I am so busy and do not have enough time to bake. So, I am hoping by having this as my inquiry project I can try out new recipes and hopefully make some delicious treats! 

My plan is to find a recipe one week and post it to my blog. For the next week I will complete the recipe and rate it on taste and difficultly.


Weekly Reflection Sept 13

After watching the “Most Likely to Succeed” documentary I believe we can make changes to the education system to better equip children for future jobs. In the documentary they discuss how kids who got a B+ on their science exam retook it only three months later and got an F. I think most kids memorize the material and then forget it later which is not beneficial to learning. As an educator this new way of learning does give me some concerns. I agree with the kids about how important grades are to get into college. This new way of learning is hard to give letter grades because how can you decide which projects get an A or a B or even grading each subject. Overall, it is hard to tell right now if this system works, however, I believe we can always learn and grow in the education system. 

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